




About 40% of all mammal species are rodents (2,277 species); they are found in vast numbers on all continents except Antarctica. Some species, in particular, the brown rat, the black rat, and the house mouse, are serious pests, eating and spoiling food stored by humans and spreading diseases. Accidentally introduced species of rodents are often considered to be invasive and have caused the extinction of numerous species, such as island birds, previously isolated from land-based predators.

Negative Effects of Rodents

Rodents in commercial settings can cause devastating effects to your business’s safety and reputation. Here are few things that you should know about rodents in commercial settings.

Rodents don’t actually have to bite a human in order for these diseases to be spread. They can be transmitted through their saliva, feces, and urine. These diseases can also be spread indirectly via ticks, mites, or fleas that have fed on an infected rodent or its waste.

Rodents can damage your establishment’s infrastructure. Aside from posing a threat to your business’s reputation, rodents can also do serious physical damage to the infrastructure of your business. Rodents gnaw on electrical wires, damage a building’s structural support, and destroy furniture.

In an effort to control pests within a commercial setting, the best course of action is taking a proactive approach. This includes partnering with a professional pest control company who routinely monitors your business and stops pest issues before they start or worsen in order to minimize damages.

Rodent We Control

Nohama is dedicated to solving your commercial rodent problems. Our rodent control professionals understand the regulations and requirements of many different industries. Request your free consultation today for a thorough examination of your business location and a pest control program tailored to your specific needs.
